Frequently Asked Questions

What is the role of the POR?

Curriculum Leaders and Assistant Curriculum Leaders are expected to provide leadership in curricular initiatives, support materials and resources to other staff, mentorship to other teachers, and facilitate the business of the department. CLs and ACLs are not managers and have no managerial authority. They do not have the authority to evaluate colleagues, nor to direct them, nor to discipline them. Those powers rest with the administrators, exclusively.

All specific duties assigned by the principal to POR holders may only be done within the limits of the Collective Agreement and the Workload Accord.

CLs and ACLs who have concerns about the job performance of a colleague are advised to take a professional and supportive approach, providing the fellow member with courteous advice and resources, facilitating the colleague’s professional development. CLs and ACLs are not prevented from bringing serious concerns to the attention of administrators, but must inform the respective colleague in writing of the adverse report, as per OSSTF bylaws.

For additional information, please see POR Issues under Branch Presidents’ Resources

If you require further clarification of the role of a CL or ACL, or if you have concerns about the direction given to you by your principal, please contact your Executive Officer.