• Resources for Teachers New to Our Bargaining Unit

    Information for New Teachers, NTIP, how we're organized, & much more.

  • Anti-Racism

    There are 100’s of anti-black racism and anti-racism resources available, and we encourage you to do your own research and to speak to your colleagues and friends to offer and get recommendations.

  • Collective Agreement Rights and Protections

    The Collective Agreement, the Workload Accord and information on Member Protection and Leave Provisions

  • Benefits

    Includes information on Health and Dental plans, LTDI as well as other supports.

  • Staffing & Workload

    Includes the Secondary Staffing Manual and the Workload Accord.

  • Health and Safety

    Information, advice, and forms with a focus on teacher and student safety, and our protections under the Occupational Health and Safety Act..

  • Adult Day Schools

    Resources for teachers in Adult Day School Programs.

  • Bargaining

    Bargaining Bulletins and information on local and province-wide bargaining

  • Branch Presidents' Resources

    Additional resources for Branch Presidents and Members

  • Teacher Performance Appraisal

    TPA information and resources.

  • Meetings

    Information on TTBU Council, District General meetings etc.

  • Mutually Agreed Position Switch (MAPS)

    MAPS is only available from mid June to the end of August each year.

  • Frequently Asked Questions

    "When should I seek union assistance?" and other FAQs answered.

  • General

    TTBU Executive Elections, TTBU and District Constitutions, Provincial Office Constitutions, Workshops, Kids Help Phone etc.

  • Links

    Links to Provincial OSSTF, OTF, other agencies and online resources.