Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between the District and the Bargaining Unit?

The District is the grouping of all OSSTF Bargaining Units associated with one employer. In our case the employer is the TDSB. Our district is District 12, Toronto.

The Bargaining Unit is the group of employees who are part of a particular Collective Agreement. In our case, we are the Toronto Teachers’ Bargaining Unit.  We represent all contract teachers who teach in secondary schools. We also represent teachers in the Adult Continuing Education programmes and other Continuing Education teachers.

There are two other Bargaining Units in District 12, the Occasional Teachers’ Bargaining Unit (OTBU), and the District 12, Professional Student Services Personnel (PSSP) which represents, social workers, speech and language pathologists and other educational professionals.

This website is for the members of the Toronto Teachers’ Bargaining Unit.