Provincial OSSTF Joint Statement – Ontario’s teacher unions respond to government’s refusal to fund proposal to combat systemic racism

TORONTO, ON—Ontario’s teacher unions recently learned that the Ministry of Education will not be funding numerous initiatives the unions proposed in March 2021 that would address and confront systemic racism in Ontario’s publicly funded education system. The following is a joint statement from the Association des enseignantes et des... Read More

September 24, 2021 President’s Memo – TTBU Council Report

The following is an excerpt from the President’s Report that was to have been given at TTBU Council on September 23, 2021. It is written by President, Michelle Teixeira Your Executive knows that you are already tired – that your summer vacation was not enough – that you are angry, that you are frustrated […] Read More

Informing and Engaging Members, September 23, 2021 – Orange Shirt Day Resources, Student Achievement Awards and more….

Deadline Extension: New Branch President workshop Please note that the deadline to register for new Branch President training, to be held on October 6, has been extended to Tuesday, September 28, at 1PM. Interested new Branch Presidents should email Michelle Leblanc, at to register. The training will be held remotely... Read More

OSSTF D12 Pride Committee Positive Space Poster winners

The D12 Pride Committee is happy to provide all members and especially Staff Advisors of GSA/QSA/Social Justice Clubs the winning posters from its Positive Space student competition, which are available below for download and printing. Packages containing copies of each poster are also currently being mailed to each TDSB secondary school, to... Read More

New & Returning Branch President Workshops

Hello, this newsletter is for Branch Presidents – New & Returning Seeing as we don’t yet have finalised Branch Executive information for the 2021- 2022 year and without having to wait on the submission of Branch Executive forms, being mindful that some branch elections may have just concluded, this email is going to all Members... Read More

Message to members from the OSSTF/FEESO Provincial Executive

To the members of OSSTF/FEESO The past year has been one of unprecedented challenges for us all, and your OSSTF/FEESO Provincial Executive thanks every one of our 60,000 plus members for the work you do for our students and for publicly-funded education in Ontario. It is because of your dedication and your strength that we […] Read More

September 9, 2021 Informing and Engaging Members – Coverage and Supervision, Eco and Status of Women Committee and more…

Coverage and Supervision Please note that the following agreement regarding Coverage and Supervision has been reached with the Board for the 2021-2022 school year, as long as we are following the current modified semester schedule. Principals should be aware as this information is located in the Operational Guidelines.  “In accordance with... Read More

September 7, 2021 – COVID 19 Advisory for All Members

Dear Member, We are mindful that we are intruding upon your long weekend. However, as you are likely aware today is the deadline for disclosing your vaccination status to the TDSB. This deadline was set out  by the Ministry of Education, who, as with most things related to school reopening, have provided few details and […] Read More

Take Action Against Hybrid Learning

ACTION REQUIRED! Last spring, the TDSB told us that hybrid (or simultaneous online) leaning was an emergency response and would only be used again this year as a last resort. And yet, we know that that in most schools across the system, the creation of virtual only courses was not a possibility. We are once […] Read More