Provincial Bargaining Priorities Survey – Register Now!

School Boards Collective Bargaining Act – Bargaining Priorities Survey (Central Bargaining)  In preparation for the upcoming round of bargaining, the Provincial Bargaining Priorities Survey will be conducted in the near future. This is your opportunity to provide input into the bargaining process and have your say about what issues are... Read More

Provincial OSSTF Media Release – Reaction to Destreaming Announcement

For Immediate Release: Thursday, November 11, 2021 OSSTF/FEESO reacts to Ministry of Education de-streaming announcement Today, the Ontario government released a new memorandum – Next Steps for De-Streaming: Grade 9 Course Codes and Descriptions for the 2022-23 School Year. As a result, beginning in September 2022, all Grade 9 subjects... Read More

Branch Presidents’ Memo – November 10, 2021

Dear Branch Presidents, The TTBU Executive wishes to draw your attention to three items of importance: Executive School Visits          Now that the school year has begun, The TTBU Executive is beginning a round of school visits. Between Monday November 15, 2021 and January 31, 2021, Members of the Executive will visit every Branch to discuss... Read More

Informing and Engaging Members, November 4, 2021 – Anti-Racism Resources, Call for AMPA delegates, Write for Rights event and more…

Addressing Anti-Black Racism and Anti-Racism and Oppression Resources  Did you know that the OSSTF Toronto website has a section dedicated to Addressing Anti-Black Racism and Anti-Indigenous Racism, and Anti-Racism Resources? It has recently been updated to include additional resources, the OSSTF/ FEESO Action Plan to Support Equity and... Read More

“Write for Rights” Virtual Event, December 6, 5-7pm

Every year around Human Rights Day (December 10), Amnesty International supporters around the world send letters, emails, and petitions in support of people at risk of human rights abuses. The District 12 Human Rights Committee will be hosting an Amnesty International Write for Rights virtual event on December 6, between 5pm and 7pm. Please... Read More

Join the E.T.T. No Hybrid Rally!

This Thursday, October 28, 2021 at 4:45pm, our friends and colleagues at the Elementary Teachers’ of Toronto are holding a rally at TDSB headquarters (5050 Yonge Street) to protest Hybrid Learning. OSSTF Toronto President, Michelle Teixeira has been invited to speak and we are encouraging our Members to participate. Please plan to... Read More

October 22, 2021 President’s Memo

The following is an excerpt  from the President’s Report that was provided at the October 21, 2021 TTBU Council Meeting. It is written by President, Michelle Teixeira. Dismantling Anti-Black Racism and Intersectional Oppression – District Levy and District Executive Officers As you may be aware, last June at our District Annual General... Read More