Informing and Engaging Members October 13 2022 – October Council, District General Meeting, Kathryn Maxwell Bursary Awards and more…

OSSTF Toronto Status of Women Committee –  Kathryn Maxwell Bursary Awards In an effort to support OSSTF Toronto members to engage in and/or raise awareness about women’s issues, the OSSTF Toronto Status of Women Committee provides an opportunity for each Branch to receive an Annual Bursary named in honour of the late TTBU Executive Member... Read More

Branch Presidents’ Memo – September 29, 2022

Executive School Visits As reported at September TBU Council, the Executive is embarking on a series of Schools Visits throughout October and November. These visits will be an opportunity for the Members at your Branch to review the role of OSSTF Toronto, how we can provide assistance, and how Members can get more involved with […] Read More

Informing and Engaging Members September 29, 2022 – Orange Shirt Day, Endorsed Trustee Candidates, Mental Health Webinar and more…

OSSTF Recognizes Orange Shirt Day and the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation  Learning and commemorating the truth of our history is an integral part of the path to reconciliation. OSSTF/FEESO is committed to reconciliation and ensuring that the tragic history and ongoing legacy of residential schools is never forgotten. Reconciliation... Read More

Informing and Engaging Members September 22, 2022 – Student Achievement Awards, District Committees, Workshop Presenter Training and more…

Anti-Harassment Officer Training  The TTBU is seeking interested Members to participate in anti-harassment officer training and act as anti-harassment officers for District General Meetings (held in October and June) and TTBU Council meetings (held on the third Thursday of each month). The anti-harassment officer acts as an ombudsperson for... Read More

Branch Presidents’ Memo – September 19, 2022

If you are not currently the Branch President for your worksite, please forward this email to the appropriate person.  Dear Branch President, Welcome back! We hope that you were able to enjoy a restful and safe summer. The TTBU Executive wishes to thank you for choosing to act as the Branch President in your school. […] Read More

TTBU Bargaining Bulletin #1 – September 16, 2022

This information is confidential to members of OSSTF Toronto Teachers’ Bargaining Unit.  On August 26th, 2022, members received a central bargaining update from Provincial OSSTF indicating that central/local split discussions resulted in an agreement on what issues will be bargained at the central table during this round of... Read More

2022 Inclusion Symposium

Inclusion Symposium  OSSTF/FEESO is sponsoring a sector-wide symposium on inclusive education in Ontario public schools to explore issues related to special education inclusion policies and approaches. Participants will include education workers, teachers, school board decision makers, parents, and policy makers. Both the Ministry of... Read More