
TTBU Council

Council is the monthly legislative meeting of the Bargaining Unit that makes decisions in-between Annual Meetings. Also, Bargaining Unit Executive and members of the Provincial Executive provide updates on outstanding issues, answer questions and address items of concern to Branches raised by Members. TTBU Council also provides a forum for discussion and debate on union initiatives and direction. Details about each meeting will be posted here: Council

All Council meetings will take place on the fourth floor at our office, located at 1482 Bathurst St (at St. Clair Ave. West), unless otherwise notified.

In accordance with the TTBU Constitution, TTBU Council is comprised of voting representatives from each Branch/Worksite, but is open to all active TTBU Members. Please see the TTBU Council Reps per Branch document (attached) for this year’s Council representative allocation.

Each Branch President is automatically a delegate at TTBU Council. In schools allocated with more than one representative, elections should be held for the position of Council representative as per the election procedures.

On-time motions should be submitted to Betty-Ann Samaroo ( by 4:30 p.m. 8 days prior to any given Council. If you have any questions about your motion or the submission process, please contact the Executive Liaison to the TTBU Constitution and Steering Committee, Rony Masri, at: (

TTBU Council resource and information documents are attached.
