Branch Presidents' Resources

Branch Executive Election Procedures

Election Meeting: An election meeting for all positions on the Branch Executive shall be held in June of each calendar year where feasible and no later than the Thursday  prior to the first Council meeting for the year in which the positions will be held. (Bylaw 1.2)

Once the representatives of a branch have been determined, please submit a list of those representatives using the Branch Executive form, attached below. Please send the completed form to

Branch Executive (Bylaw 1.1)

The Branch Executive must have a President, a Secretary Treasurer, a Staff Workload Representative and TTBU Council Representatives (where FTE provides for representation in addition to the Branch President)

The Branch Executive may also have:

  • a Vice President;
  • a representative for Occupational Health and Safety;
  • a representative for Professional Development and Excellence in Education;
  • a representative for Pensions and Benefits;
  • a representative for the District 12 Status of Women Committee;
  • a representative for the District 12 Political Action Committee;
  • a representative for the District 12 Human Rights Committee;
  • a representative for the District 12 Gay Straight Alliance Committee;
  • a Member representative on the School (Parent) Council;
  • a representative on the TTBU Communications Committee;
  • other officers as may be deemed needed.


Notice of Branch Executive Election (Bylaw 1.2.2) ( A Sample Branch Election Notice that can be edited is available for download below)

A minimum of five Days’ notice of the election meeting shall be distributed to each Member of the Branch.

Notice shall consist of:

  • the positions being elected (the place of candidate speeches);
  • the time of candidate speeches;
  • the place and time of balloting;
  • the rules for nominations as outlined below (Bylaw 1.2.3)( A Sample Nomination form that can be edited is available for download below)
    • a nomination form which requires:
    • a nominator;
    • a seconder;
    • the consent of the nominee.
    • Members may be nominated from the floor of the election meeting.

Candidate speeches (Bylaw 1.2.4)

Each candidate shall be allowed two (2) minutes at the election meeting in which to speak to the Members of the Branch.

 Voting (Bylaw 1.2.5)

  • Voting shall be conducted by secret ballot unless there is only one nominee in which case that nominee shall be acclaimed.
  • Counting of ballots must be done by OSSTF Members who are not candidates.
  • Each candidate may have one scrutineer who is a Member.
  • The candidate with the highest vote count for each position shall be declared elected.
  • Names of elected Members may be announced at the end of the ballot count, but must be posted on the OSSTF bulletin board the day after the election is held. A motion to recycle the ballots will be entertained at the end of the ballot count, or at the next Branch meeting.
