Operation Christmas Cheer

This year marks the 10th Annual Operation Christmas Cheer Toy and Food Drive.

OPERATiON CHRiSTMAS CHEER’S only mandate is to deliver grass roots support, cheer, food hampers, grocery gift cards and toys to picket-lines during the Holiday Season.  Every year their mission is the same:  Make sure every Sister and Brother walking a picket-line in Ontario during the holidays receives support, cheer, a traditional Christmas dinner for their family and that their children receive a toy from Santa.

YOU can help the OSSTF Toronto campaign by donating food, unwrapped toys or grocery store gift cards.

Donations can be dropped off at our office – 1482 Bathurst Street, third floor at any time prior to December 12 2014.

For more information about Operation Christmas Cheer and which locals are on strike or lockout this holiday season, check out the attached information.
