Informing and Engaging Members: October 15, 2021 – No Hybrid Event, Grievance Update, PD and Status of Women Committee and more…

No Hybrid Sticker and Social Media Event Yesterday’s No Hybrid Sticker and social media solidarity event was a great success. Many, many teachers shared their images and personal stories on social media. Further, over the course of two TDSB committee meetings, 13 of our Members, as well as Vice President, Chris Chandler presented heartfeltÂ... Read More

Elections Commission – Call for Members

In accordance with the TTBU Constitution, Bylaw 3.1.7, an Election Commission, consisting of members of Council, shall be established in an election year and shall stay in existence for two years. It shall operate for both regular biennial May elections and by-elections that may occur during this two year period. The Election Commission is... Read More

OSSTF Toronto Human Rights Committee Award of Merit 2021-2022

The OSSTF Toronto Human Rights Committee Awards have been established to honour outstanding OSSTF members (TBU, OTBU, and PSSP) who have demonstrated leadership in any of the following categories: COMMUNITY IMPACT – Locally, Provincially, or Globally EQUITY AND HUMAN RIGHTS WORK ADVOCACY FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE The District Human Rights... Read More

October 14th Day of Action: No Hybrid

All OSSTF Toronto Members are encouraged to participate in our… October 14th Day of Action: NO HYBRID – Fund Emergency Virtual School NOW   What can you do to support this solidarity action?   1) Sticker Day – Show our Unity! Let’s show unity at our schools. “NO HYBRID: Fund Emergency Virtual School NOW”... Read More

Provincial OSSTF Joint Statement – Ontario’s teacher unions respond to government’s refusal to fund proposal to combat systemic racism

TORONTO, ON—Ontario’s teacher unions recently learned that the Ministry of Education will not be funding numerous initiatives the unions proposed in March 2021 that would address and confront systemic racism in Ontario’s publicly funded education system. The following is a joint statement from the Association des enseignantes et des... Read More

September 24, 2021 President’s Memo – TTBU Council Report

The following is an excerpt from the President’s Report that was to have been given at TTBU Council on September 23, 2021. It is written by President, Michelle Teixeira Your Executive knows that you are already tired – that your summer vacation was not enough – that you are angry, that you are frustrated […] Read More