December 31, 2021 – School Re-Opening Update

Dear Member, As you are likely aware by now, yesterday the Government announced that school re-opening for students would be delayed until Wednesday January 5, 2022. Teachers are expected to be available for work on Monday January 3, 2022 and may choose to work remotely. Earlier today, the Ministry of Education sent School Boards a […] Read More

Provincial OSSTF Covid-19 Update – December 24, 2021

COVID-19 Pandemic Information Update Deployment of Non-Fit-Tested N95 Masks The Ministry of Education informed OSSTF/FEESO earlier today that school boards can order non-fit-tested N95 masks for staff and the masks should be available sometime during the first week back in January. The continued advocacy and public pressure by members and... Read More

Informing and Engaging Members, December 16, 2021 – Rapid Testing for Teachers, Disrupting Anti-Black Racism and Intersectional Oppression Officers, and more…

Correspondence to Director of Education and Toronto Public Health  Earlier this week, correspondence was sent to the Director of Education requesting that rapid testing be extended to education workers and Adult Day School students, as well as that the better PPE be provided for workers in schools.  A second letter was also sent to Toronto... Read More

Black, Indigenous & Workers of Colour Committee Award 2022

The Black, Indigenous, and Workers of Colour (BIWOC) Committee is now accepting nominations for this year’s award. If you know an OSSTF Toronto Member who has: Advocated for issues of concern to Black, Indigenous, and Workers of Colour and/or Students of Colour resulting in the advancement of OSSTF Toronto and/ or public education... Read More

Informing and Engaging Members, December 2, 2021 – Bargaining Priorities Survey Registration, Dr. Bettina Love event, and more…

Provincial Bargaining Priorities Survey – Register now!  This is a reminder that in order to participate in the Provincial Bargaining Priorities survey, you are required to register by Friday Dec 10, 2021. For more information on the process, please visit our website.  TTBU Executive Elections – Seeking Your Input The Elections... Read More

November 26, 2021 – President’s Memo

On Tuesday November 23, 2021, the TDSB held a special meeting of the Planning and Priorities Committee at which senior staff presented their plans for second semester, in particular as they relate to hybrid learning. While senior staff indicated that there would not be a dedicated virtual school for second semester, they did acknowledge that... Read More

Informing and Engaging Members, November 18, 2021 – TTBU Executive Elections, ADS Letter to the Director, and more…

Letter to TDSB Director Regarding Adult Day School Please see a letter sent to TDSB Director Colleen Russell-Rawlins an copied to all trustees. This letter is jointly sent from Members of the Adult Day School Ad-Hoc committee and the TTBU Executive.  Executive Election Dates  As required by the constitution, the Elections Commission Committee... Read More