February 18, 2022 PD DAY Information

February 18, 2022 is our annual OSSTF PD Day! Please click on the flyer below to see the workshops we have planned for you. Further detailed descriptions of each workshop and the link to register are available HERE. Read More

January 17, 2022 – TDSB Snow Day Blunder and Letter from Provincial Executive

Dear Member, The following letter is sent to all Members from the Provincial Executive. Your TTBU Executive would also like you to know that we are aware of the enormous amount of stress and hardship the TDSB’s inclement weather policy reversal delivered on a Sunday evening and subsequent reversal at 11pm has caused to you […] Read More

Provincial OSSTF Covid-19 Update

A Safe Return to In-Person Learning The official announcement on January 12 that Ontario schools will re-open for in-person learning on January 17, 2022 left many questions un-answered either at the press conference or in the Ministry of Education Memorandum to school boards sent on January 12 at 6:12 pm – two school days before […] Read More

January 29th, Day of Remembrance and Action Against Islamophobia. (Resources)

To support teachers in commemorating the National Day of Remembrance of the Quebec City Mosque Attack and Action against Islamophobia with students, the D12 Human Rights Committee would like to share these excellent classroom resources that have been created and curated by META (Muslim Educators of Toronto Association), an affinity group... Read More

Emergency Town Hall and Phone/ Email Zap – January 13, 2022

In response to the news that schools will be re-opening to all students for in-person learning on Monday,  the TTBU Executive will be holding an emergency town hall meeting and phone/ email zap on Thursday January 13, 2022 from 7:00pm – 8:15pm. The purpose of this meeting will be to provide any updates we may […] Read More

Provincial OSSTF Joint Media Release – January 11, 2022

Ontario’s Teacher Unions Demand Schools Reopen Safely TORONTO, ON — Today, the Association des enseignantes et des enseignants franco-ontariens (AEFO), Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario (ETFO), Ontario English Catholic Teachers’ Association (OECTA), and Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation (OSSTF/FEESO) issued the following... Read More

Informing and Engaging Members, January 6, 2022 – PD Day Proposals, Free Mental Health Resource, OTIP Teaching Awards and more…

School Re-opening  We continue to await details on a number of items related to school re-opening. The Executive will continue to monitor the situation closely as the TDSB implements measures required by the Ministry of Education, and we continue to advocate for measures that prioritize the safety of our Members.  Earlier today, TBU Members... Read More

Provincial OSSTF/FEESO Statement – Ford fails to fortify the public school system to protect students and communities

The following is a statement issued by Provincial OSSTF/ FEESO. Original Attached.  OSSTF/FEESO Statement—Ford fails to fortify the public school system to protect students and communities January 3, 2022—Despite the fact that today’s announced restrictions and measures are necessary to help address the Omicron variant’s impact on our health... Read More