Informing and Engaging Members February 25 2022 – New Teacher Workshops, Retirement Workshops, Human Rights Awards and more….

Ontario Federation of Labour Activist Assembly – Sunday March 6, 2022 With the provincial election call anticipated on May 4, OSSTF/FEESO is urging members to become active in events leading up to the election campaign. One of the more important organizing meetings, sponsored by the Ontario Federation of Labour (OFL), is the Sunday... Read More

POSTING – OSSTF Toronto Teacher Bargaining Unit Dismantling  Anti-Black Racism and Intersectional Oppression Officers

POSTING – OSSTF Toronto Teacher Bargaining Unit Dismantling  Anti-Black Racism and Intersectional Oppression Officers The OSSTF Toronto Teacher’s Bargaining Unit (TTBU) is inviting interested applicants for the position of Dismantling Anti-Black Racism and Intersectional Oppression Officer.  OSSTF Toronto has the ongoing responsibility... Read More

Informing and Engaging Members February 3, 2022 – Bargaining Survey, Health and Safety Survey, Community Organizer Job Posting and more…

Local Bargaining Priorities Survey Will Open February 7th, 2022 Please ensure you have a registered account with OSSTF Toronto’s Teacher Bargaining Unit website at to ensure that you are able to participate in our Local Bargaining Priorities Survey.  The survey will open for members on Monday, February 7th, 2022... Read More

Informing and Engaging Members January 27, 2022 – Register for PD Day Workshops, Retirement Workshops, Attending AMPA and more….

Attending Remote AMPA as an Observer  The 2022 Annual Meeting of the Provincial Assembly (AMPA) is scheduled for Saturday, March 12 to Monday, March 14, 2022. The meeting will be held using a virtual platform. As per OSSTF/FEESO Bylaw “Any Member of OSSTF/FEESO may attend a meeting of the Provincial Assembly.”  Any Member not […] Read More

Our February 18 PD Day Registration is Now Open!

We are looking forward to a day filled with engaging, interactive workshops on a wide variety of topics, hosted and facilitated by our own colleagues. There will also be the opportunity for several lucky people to win gift cards sponsored by our very own Educator’s Financial Group! More information will be provided in your workshops... Read More

Branch Presidents’ Memo – January 21, 2022

Dear Branch President, Thanks for your ongoing support of our members in difficult times, and for your work to defend and uphold their hard-won entitlements. Please read carefully the following three updates related to staffing and workload: 1) OSSTF Staffing and Workload Survey In the 2014-15 school year the Toronto Teachers’ Bargaining Unit... Read More