TTBU 2022 Election Results Correction

This email is being sent on behalf of the TTBU Election Commission (EC). The Election Commission, in preparing for a Candidate to review the election results, noticed that the published results contained erroneous numbers. The published numbers reflect an error contained inside our excel spreadsheet, which failed to include results from the... Read More

Message to Members from the OSSTF/FEESO Provincial Executive – June 3 2022

June 3, 2022 Message to members from the OSSTF/FEESO Provincial Executive [original attached] Dear OSSTF/FEESO Members, Yesterday, the Progressive Conservative Party led by Doug Ford won another four-year majority. Though the results did not bring Ontario an education-friendly government, we are filled with pride as throughout the election... Read More

2022 Election for Provincial Councillors

Branch Presidents are asked with thanks to please share this information with the June Council Reps for your Branch, where applicable. 2022-23 TTBU Provincial Councillor Candidates: As of the deadline of 4:30 pm, June 1, 2022, the following seven nominations were received for four available positions: Heather Byrnes, Don Mills Collegiate... Read More

Informing and Engaging Members June 2, 2022 – National Indigenous History Month Resources, OTF Research on Virtual Learning and more…

National Indigenous History Month  June is National Indigenous History Month in Canada, a time to reflect on not only the history but also the many achievements and contributions of the First Nations, Metis, and Inuit Peoples. National Indigenous Peoples Day takes place on the summer solstice, June 21. We encourage members to use the many... Read More