IMPORTANT – December Council Meeting Moves to VIRTUAL Online-Only Meeting

Dear Member, In anticipation of potential hazardous winter weather that may negatively impact driving conditions on Thursday afternoon, the Executive has made the decision to shift the Council meeting to a virtual, online-only format.  Accessing the Virtual Council Meeting The Council meeting will take place on Thursday, December 15th, 2022... Read More

Informing and Engaging Members December 8, 2022 – Council Meeting & Holiday Social, Bargaining Update Town Hall, OTIP Retirement Workshop and more…

December Council Meeting & Holiday Social – Thursday December 15, 2022  Council is the monthly legislative meeting of the Bargaining Unit that makes decisions in-between Annual Meetings. Also, Bargaining Unit Executive and members of the Provincial Executive provide updates on outstanding issues, answer questions and address items... Read More

Informing and Engaging Members November 24 2022 – Canadian Black Lives Resource, OSSTF Cyber Incident, Covid-19 Update and more…

Canadian Black Lives Resource Canadian Black Lives (CBL) is an Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation (OSSTF/FEESO) member created curriculum resource that was developed in an effort to provide members with guidance and information to support the ongoing work of learning about the heritages, histories, cultures, and contributions of... Read More

Information Regarding CUPE Job Action – November 18 2022

As you are likely aware, CUPE support staff Education workers, represented by CUPE 4400 in the TDSB, are in a legal strike position and have provided notice that effective Monday November 21 2022 they will engage in a full walkout. Below is important information already shared with you as well as additional information.  We stand […] Read More

Informing and Engaging Members November 17 2022 – Pride Committee Bursary, OSSTF Cyber Incident, OTIP Retirement Workshops and more…

CUPE Strike Update Please check your email tomorrow for specific instructions regarding a potential CUPE strike scheduled to begin on Monday November 21 2022.  Pregnancy, Parental, Adoption, Surrogacy Leave Workshop A reminder to members of the district Pregnancy, Parental, Adoption, Surrogacy Leave Workshop on November 22, 2022.  Interested... Read More