Results of the Executive Officer By-Election

As per the TTBU Constitution, a by-election for a vacancy for the position of Executive Officer occurred at the June 14, 2023 TBU Council Meeting. The results are as follows: Rick Beer – 11 Hayssam Hulays – 72 Alex Kavourinos – 0 Natasha Lau – 10 Hayssam Hulays was declared elected to the position of TBU […] Read More

President’s Memo May 31 2023

Adapted from the President’s Report at the May 2023 Annual General Meeting Dear Member,  There have been many who have commented that this school year was supposed to be a “return to normal.” However, we know that it has been anything but. We know that you continue to face tremendous challenges as we navigate in […] Read More

TTBU Health and Safety Inspector Posting 2023

OSSTF Health and Safety Inspector Job Posting, 2023 The Toronto Teachers’ Bargaining Unit (TTBU) of the Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation District 12 Toronto seeks applications for up to two (2) OSSTF Health and Safety Inspector positions. DUTIES – Start Date: 1 July 2023 Comply with all duties as outlined by the Occupational... Read More

Branch Presidents’ Memo – May 24 2023

Dear Branch Presidents, OSSTF TTBU has received an increasing number of complaints with regard to principals welcoming, soliciting, receiving and/or acting on information exchanged at Union meetings. Principals do not have a right to information about Union business nor information shared at Union meetings. Under the Labour Relations Act... Read More