Student Achievement Awards

OSSTF/FEESO is pleased to announce the opening of the annual Student Achievement Awards. We are encouraging students with the support of an OSSTF/FEESO member who has worked directly with them to submit an original piece of writing, visual art, or media based on this year’s theme, This Hits Different: The Power of Language.   Schools must... Read More

Informing and Engaging Members October 19 2023 – No Space for Hate Rallies, Retirement Workshops, Pregnancy, Parental, Adoption and Surrogacy Workshop, and more…

No Space for Hate Rally – Saturday October 21 at Queen’s Park  On October 21st, the ultra-conservative right have once again planned nationwide events to protest teaching 2SLGBTQIA+ content in schools under the guise of protecting children.Join OSSTF Toronto and the Ontario Federation of Labour at Queen’s Park on Saturday October 21... Read More