Strike Rules Bulletin: End of year and summer school

Dear Members, The following information provides an update and clarification on the Strike Rules for school closing procedures, as well as important information about the Pink Letter and Summer School.  Please be in touch with your Executive Officer should you have any questions. Summer School The Executive has determined that we will not... Read More

Provincial Rules Committee Central Strike – Ruling Bulletin #2

Provincial Rules Committee Central Strike – Ruling Bulletin #2 1. Breakfast programs are considered exempt from strike action. 2. Teachers, Educational Assistants and other support staff assigned to self-contained small classes for special needs students may continue to participate in community outings as part of their normal... Read More

Central Strike – Ruling Bulletin #1

Provincial Rules Committee Central Strike – Ruling Bulletin #1 As of Monday, July 20, 2015, all OSSTF/FEESO Bargaining Units representing members employed by school boards, including PSAT, are in a legal central strike position. Members of these Bargaining Units are hereby instructed to: 1. immediately cease performing any and all... Read More