Don’t Buy Crown Cans

CROWN HOLDINGS INC. and CORPORATE CANADA The strike at Crown Holdings plant in Weston illustrates all that is wrong with corporate Canada – greed, callousness and income inequality. For two long winters the 120 Steelworkers have walked the picket line in stubborn refusal to betray the next generation of workers. Despite being recognised as... Read More

Durham OSSTF District 13 Picket Sites

As of April 20, 2015, striking teachers will be picketing from 8:00am-12:00pm, and from 12:30-4:30 pm, every day, at the locations listed below. All OSSTF members who commute by these locations to and from work are invited to show their support by joining the pickets outside the regular school day. NB: There will be mass rally, Thursday, […] Read More