Open Letter from TDSB union leaders to TDSB Director & Chair; Chief Medical Officer, Toronto; Ontario Minister of Health: A call for action

(original attached) To: The Toronto District School Board Interim Director; The Toronto District School Board Chair; Chief Medical Officer, Toronto Public Health and  We are writing with four urgent concerns on behalf of the forty thousand frontline education workers employed by the Toronto District School Board. Educators working in bricks... Read More

Pink Listing of Halton Catholic School Board

The Ontario English Catholic Teachers’ Association (OECTA) is requesting that the attached Pink Listing of the Halton Catholic District School Board be circulated to local leaders and members.  A Pink Listing is a legal job action that prevents a Board from hiring new teachers. Members are asked to respect and support these sanctions in... Read More


An OSSTF/FEESO ACTION: All Members are urged to participate in the following province-wide action Due to a technical glitch, this memo originally came from the personal email address of a TTBU Exec Member.  We apologize for any confusion that caused. In addition, please note that the action scheduled for 12:15 is not meant to interrupt […] Read More

OSSTF Toronto calls on all Members and supporters of publicly funded education to TAKE ACTION NOW against Stephen Lecce’s latest education cuts

OSSTF Toronto calls on all Members and supporters of publicly funded education to TAKE ACTION NOW against Stephen Lecce’s latest education cuts Last week the Minister of Education announced through a memo to the Boards of Education that the money invested in education during this past year would not be continued into the coming school... Read More

OSSTF Toronto MPP office pickets schedule

MPP Office Protests Across the province every Friday in April and May (and in Toronto also the first week in June), OSSTF Members will be protesting cuts to education at the offices of PC MPP’s. OSSTF Toronto will be rotating our protests to a different PC MPP office every Friday, starting April 12.  Each event […] Read More

2018 Municipal Election Endorsed Candidates

The Campaign for Public Education and Toronto & York Region Labour Council have worked together once again to coordinate endorsements of progressive voices for the Trustee positions of the TDSB, YRDSB and TCDSB. In addition you will find recommendations for Mayors and Regional Councillors as well as for Toronto Mayor and for Toronto City... Read More

Stand Up for Ontario Rallies

Liberal AGM On Saturday 6th June 2015 the OFL and a number of labour affiliates are planning a “Standing Up for Ontario Rally” at the Ontario Liberal Annual General Meeting in Collingwood. OSSTF members are encouraged to join in. The rally will take place in front of the Village Conference Centre at Blue Mountain […] Read More

Support Toyota Workers

In mid-April, Toyota announced they will be moving production of their number one selling vehicle, the Corolla, to Mexico. This announcement has created much uncertainty amongst the workers at Toyota’s plants, particularly the in North Plant, Cambridge, which currently produces the Corolla. To show labour’s support for the workers at Toyota... Read More

Strike 2015 Picket Locations and Schedules

The Provincial Office of OSSTF will maintain an up-to-date list of the pickets of the bargaining units on strike. Please go to for locations and picket schedules for D3 Rainbow and D13 Durham. Once the strike in Peel begins, their picket locations and schedule will be posted there too... Read More