President’s Memo – Working from home update, April 2, 2020

This memo is composed by OSSTF TTBU President Leslie Wolfe and reflects the positions and actions of the OSSTF Toronto Teachers’ Bargaining Unit Executive. I want to begin by once again assuring you that OSSTF Toronto TBU Executive is with you every step of the way in this incredibly stressful journey toward implementation of the […] Read More

TTBU President’s Memo – Working from home update, March 28, 2020

This memo is composed by OSSTF TTBU President Leslie Wolfe and reflects the positions and actions of the OSSTF Toronto Teachers’ Bargaining Unit Executive. Last night the Toronto District School Board issued a memo to all teachers.  In it are the Board’s plans for the coming week. On behalf of the TTBU Membership, I sent […] Read More

Local strike vote results

Local strike vote results OSSTF Toronto Teachers Bargaining Unit Members have voted in unprecedented numbers to give the local bargaining team an overwhelming strike mandate. Ninety-one per-cent of TTBU Members cast a ballot resulting in a ninety-five per-cent vote in favour of job action in support of bargaining with the Toronto District... Read More