President’s Memo October 16, 2020 Planning for Quad 2; Students who opt out of in-person; Parent-teacher interviews

This memo is composed by OSSTF TTBU President Leslie Wolfe and reflects the positions and actions of the OSSTF Toronto Teachers’ Bargaining Unit Executive. Students who opt out of in-person learning According to information shared with the TTBU late this week, the TDSB will be ending the ability for in-person learners to opt-out of their […] Read More

President’s Memo, October 14, 2020 school reopening update – Half day absences; class size compliance; TPA/NTIP/ALPs

This memo is composed by OSSTF TTBU President Leslie Wolfe and reflects the positions and actions of the OSSTF Toronto Teachers’ Bargaining Unit Executive. Half-day absences On October 13, 2020, Principals received notification from the Senior Manager of Employee Services, David Moore, confirming that a half-day absence is an absence that is... Read More

President’s Memo October 8, 2020 school reopening update – Marks/Reporting/Exams; TPA; Accommodation requests; Virtual School issues update; and more…

This memo is composed by OSSTF TTBU President Leslie Wolfe and reflects the positions and actions of the OSSTF Toronto Teachers’ Bargaining Unit Executive. Talks between the TTBU and the TDSB about ongoing issues related to school reopening continue. The following is a summary of discussion items and our progress to date for your... Read More

President’s Memo, September 30 Requesting Ministry of Labour investigation, Grievances on class size compliance; General Membership Meetings.

This memo is composed by OSSTF TTBU President Leslie Wolfe and reflects the positions and actions of the OSSTF Toronto Teachers’ Bargaining Unit Executive. Out of concern for the health and safety of our Members, and out of sheer frustration with the TDSB’s inability to provide us with timely and appropriate assurance that it is […] Read More

President’s Memo, September 16 2020 – School reopening update – synchronous learning; coverage/supervision; parameters for access to online classrooms; and more

This memo is composed by OSSTF TTBU President Leslie Wolfe and reflects the positions and actions of the OSSTF Toronto Teachers’ Bargaining Unit Executive. The TTBU has been engaged in ongoing meetings with the TDSB to work out how the TDSB will meet its obligations to do everything reasonable within its power to protect the […] Read More