President’s Memo November 25, 2020; Response to Professionally Speaking cover photo; Class size compliance dates; VS admin hit the virtual classroom; AGM follow up; and more…

This memo is composed by OSSTF TTBU President Leslie Wolfe and reflects the positions and actions of the OSSTF Toronto Teachers’ Bargaining Unit Executive. Class size compliance dates agreement reached The TTBU and the TDSB have come to agreement on class size compliance dates for the remaining quads as follows: Quad 2 – Friday, December […] Read More

President’s Memo November 18, 2020 – Credit rescue days and PD day requirements

This memo is composed by OSSTF TTBU President Leslie Wolfe and reflects the positions and actions of the OSSTF Toronto Teachers’ Bargaining Unit Executive. November 20 PD day Last week, without any consultation or discussion with the TTBU, the TDSB provided principals with direction in relation to the November 20th PD day.  Apparently without... Read More

President’s Memo November 12, 2020 – TDSB rejects workers’ occupational health and safety recommendations & continues to ignore the mental health and well being of TTBU Members

This memo is composed by OSSTF TTBU President Leslie Wolfe and reflects the positions and actions of the OSSTF Toronto Teachers’ Bargaining Unit Executive. Over the past few weeks the TDSB’s decision-making has left secondary teachers at greater risk, and further stressed. In spite of lip-service to the contrary, the bottom line for... Read More

President’s Memo November 5, 2020 – Call to Members to take ACTION NOW

President’s Memo November 5, 2020 – Call to Members to take ACTION NOW This memo is composed by OSSTF TTBU President Leslie Wolfe and reflects the positions and actions of the OSSTF Toronto Teachers’ Bargaining Unit Executive. The Toronto District School Board does not ‘prefer’ the simultaneous delivery of programming to both... Read More

President’s Memo November 5, 2020 – New parameters for remote learning

This memo is composed by OSSTF TTBU President Leslie Wolfe and reflects the positions and actions of the OSSTF Toronto Teachers’ Bargaining Unit Executive. From the day the TDSB told us that bricks-and-mortar sites would be responsible for the delivery of remote learning to students opting for Virtual School for Quad 2, and that each […] Read More

President’s Memo, October 29, 2020 – Adult Day Quad 2; “Greeter” duties & our Collective Agreement; Counting of assignments; Accommodations & sick leave

This memo is composed by OSSTF TTBU President Leslie Wolfe and reflects the positions and actions of the OSSTF Toronto Teachers’ Bargaining Unit Executive. Adult Day Schools (ADS), Quad 2 Under the Board’s ADS plan for Quad 2 some of our Adult Day School Members stood to lose access to a third of their potential […] Read More