President’s Memo – October 2, 2023

The following is adapted from the President’s Report given at the TBU Council meeting on September 28 2023. It is composed by OSSTF TTBU President Michelle Teixeira and reflects the positions and actions of the OSSTF Toronto Teachers’ Bargaining Unit Executive. Dear Member,  As you are likely aware by now, the result of the Province-wide […] Read More

President’s Memo – September 6, 2022

Dear Member, On behalf of your OSSTF Toronto Teachers’ Bargaining Unit Executive, welcome back! We hope that you enjoyed your summer and were able to find time to rest and restore. While it seems that we are heading into this school year with more certainty than the previous two, we know there are still some […] Read More

November 26, 2021 – President’s Memo

On Tuesday November 23, 2021, the TDSB held a special meeting of the Planning and Priorities Committee at which senior staff presented their plans for second semester, in particular as they relate to hybrid learning. While senior staff indicated that there would not be a dedicated virtual school for second semester, they did acknowledge that... Read More

June 8 2022, President’s Memo – Systemic Racism and AMPA 2.0

This memo is composed by OSSTF TTBU President Leslie Wolfe and reflects the positions and actions of the OSSTF Toronto Teachers’ Bargaining Unit Executive. President’s Memo, June 8 2022 – Statement about Systemic Racism and AMPA 2.0 The news of the hate-motivated murder of a Muslim family, Talat Afzaal age 74, Salman Afzaal age 46, […] Read More

May 21, 2020 – Annual Report of the President

President’s Memo – Annual Report At last night’s TTBU Annual General Meeting, delegates determined to adjust the agenda such that the President’s Report was unable to be given.  The following is the text of said report, which the President committed to share with the Membership following the Meeting.  Working in a pandemic This year has... Read More

President’s Memo, February 19, 2021-  T minus one year and counting…; Special local negotiations update meeting

This memo is composed by OSSTF TTBU President Leslie Wolfe and reflects the positions and actions of the OSSTF Toronto Teachers’ Bargaining Unit Executive. To those of us in education, it seems self-evident that the Ontario government’s handling of the pandemic must be killing them in the polls, making them easy prey for the provincial […] Read More