MEDIA RELEASE: Education unions file Charter challenges against Ford government legislation that violates freedom of expression

Education unions file Charter challenges against Ford government legislation that violates freedom of expression  (original attached) TORONTO, ON—Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario (ETFO), Ontario English Catholic Teachers’ Association (OECTA), and Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation (OSSTF/FEESO) have individually filed... Read More

Member Protection Advisory: TTBU vaccination update

Senior TDSB management informed the TTBU Executive this evening that a plan is now in place for Members who work in congregated special education sites or in ISP’s to receive their first vaccine next week.  Those Members will receive a letter tomorrow from the Board with further information. Planning is still underway for the rollout... Read More

Provincial OSSTF COVID update April 6, 2021 • ISSUE 23 & Media Release

Attached for your information are the  Provincial OSSTF COVID Update #23, and the April 6, 2021 Media Release. We encourage you to read each document. The contents of the Provincial OSSTF COVID Update #23 is also copied below: April 6, 2021 • ISSUE 23 Over the past few weeks, cases of COVID-19 have increased significantly […] Read More

April 5, 2021 OSSTF Toronto TBU COVID-19 Health & Safety Advisory for Members

Last week the TTBU Executive joined the other TDSB local unions in a call for schools to temporarily pivot to on-line learning after the long weekend, and after the spring break in order to reduce the possibility of in-school COVID transmission.  This weekend the TTBU President again called on the TDSB Interim Director and Toronto […] Read More

April 4, 2021 letter to TDSB Interim Director & Toronto Public Health

With cases rising in Toronto schools (please see attached chart from Sick Kids epidemiologist Diego Bassani), including VOC’s, with a teacher now on life support in a UHN hospital as a result of student to teacher transmission, and with what is certain to be a weekend where people visit each other regardless of the current... Read More

OSSTF TTBU Health and Safety Inspector job posting

OSSTF Health and Safety Inspector Job Posting The Toronto Teachers’ Bargaining Unit (TTBU) of the Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation District 12 Toronto seeks applications for up to four (4) positions of OSSTF Health and Safety Inspector. DUTIES – Start Date: 1 July 2021 Comply with all duties as outlined by the Occupational Health... Read More

March 31, 2021 Informing & Engaging Members – Major changes coming to TTBU Executive; ADS Benefits update; AMPA 2 Observer status; and more…

Major changes coming to the TTBU Executive Congratulations to TTBU Executive Officer Hayssam Hulays who was elected to the position of Provincial Executive Officer at AMPA 2021!  His Term of Office will commence on July 1, 2021.  Congratulations are also extended to TTBU Executive Officer and Chief Negotiator Lisa Black-Meddings who was... Read More