CUPE strike: Picket locations for Monday, October 7

Should CUPE Toronto Education Workers be engaged in a full walk out on Monday, OSSTF Members are encouraged to join them in a show of solidarity either before or after work at one of their Toronto picket locations. As further information becomes available, we will continue to share it with you. Read More

2019-20 Informing & Engaging Members #4 – Overseas teaching opportunities; CUPE strike; PD workshops & curriculum writers wanted; and more…

EduACTion Every Friday:  Wear Red4Ed Information coming soon: Branch Action Teams Province-wide Day of Action Against School Cuts – October 10 – Save the date! Engaged Activism Workshop Potential CUPE Strike OSSTF Toronto stands in solidarity with Toronto Education Worker members (CUPE 4400), and all CUPE Ontario education... Read More

OSSTF TORONTO COMMITTEES – Your opportunity to join in!

The OSSTF Toronto Executive invites all OSSTF Toronto Members – TTBU, PSSP and OT’s – to consider joining one or more of our District Committees.  For more information, see the descriptions below! Status of Women Committee If you are interested in planning and implementing activities and events which support women... Read More

2019-20 Informing & Engaging Members, #2: Class size; Staffing update; Member mapping Presenters; District Exec & Budget Committee elections

Class Size Each year some schools exceed the Board’s projected enrolment.  This creates classes that exceed our class size caps.  This year the situation is exacerbated by the Government’s reduction in funding and the resulting loss of teachers. None the less the Board is required to adhere to the Collective Agreement including... Read More

2019-20 President’s Memo #1: Ministry Announcement re: Class Size

Dear Members, This morning the Ontario Progressive Conservative Government’s Minister of Education, Stephen Lecce, held a press conference at which, among other things, he said there is a Regulation requiring a 22.5:1 class size average for the coming school year.  He further said that this has always been the case, stating it was a... Read More

Staffing Update – June 28, 2019

Dear Members, As of today, 329 of our colleagues learned that they are either without a job, or have only a partial placement.  Specifically 282 TDSB high school teachers were told they do not have employment for September, while 47 learned their contract status is reduced to half time. Given the defunding of our schools […] Read More