OSSTF Toronto TBU Central Strike Bulletin, Day 1: Limited Service Withdrawal Strike Rules Clarification & Info Picket updates

OSSTF Toronto TBU Central Strike Bulletin – Day 1   Information Pickets and Limited Service Withdrawal Strike Rules Clarification  Congratulations on a fantastic Central Strike Day 1!  Lots of attention to our message through earned media, and that’s exactly the plan. Check out this Metro Morning interview with TTBU Members Rob Mound... Read More

TTBU All-Member Telephone Town Hall Meeting Reminder

TTBU All-Member Telephone Town Hall Meeting Reminder There will be an all-Member telephone town hall General TTBU Membership Meeting on Monday, November 25, 7:00 PM to review the OSSTF/FEESO Phase One Strike and associated rules, and to answer Members’ questions. To participate , answer your phone when we call around 7 PM on Monday. If... Read More

TTBU Informing & Engaging Members #11- Rallies for education; Write for Rights; Family winter party; Positive Space contest; and more…

EduACTion:  Rallies for Education November 13, Tell PC Treasury Board Chair Peter Bethlenfalvy we support communities, not cuts! 4-5:30PM, 1550 Kingston Road, Pickering November 15, Rally for Education at the constituency office of Minister for Education Stephen Lecce, 2220 King Road, King City.  3:00PM on. Join other activists in reminding... Read More

Adult Day School Strike Vote

Dear Adult Day School Branch Presidents, Please share the following memo with your Members. Voting YES to a strike – adult day school teacher bargaining The history of bargaining for the rights of adult day school Members as a separate entity began after former Progressive Conservative Premier Mike Harris cut the funding for students... Read More

OSSTF Toronto Telephone Town Hall Meeting

This evening OSSTF Toronto Teacher, Occasional Teacher and PSSP Members are meeting to hear about local and central bargaining strike votes, but we know not everyone was able to make it to the Convention Centre.  It is our aim to ensure that Members have every opportunity to make an informed decision about supporting the local […] Read More

Collective Bargaining Time Lines Chart

Dear Members, You may wish to review the attached document and/or print it and bring it with you to the General Membership Meeting on Monday.  It is a chart that outlines the time lines for bargaining under the Ontario Labour Relations Act.  If you have questions, please feel free to ask them at the meeting […] Read More