Second OSSTF full service withdrawal in Toronto: Wednesday, December 11

Dear Members Today, as the Minister of Education disingenuously insisted to media that OSSTF’s fight is all about salary, OSSTF announced another wave of one-day walk outs. On Wednesday, December 11, OSSTF Toronto will join with other Districts across the province in a second one-day withdrawal of services. This action is part of a carefully... Read More


December 5, 2019 A MESSAGE FROM OSSTF/FEESO PRESIDENT, HARVEY BISCHOF On Wednesday, OSSTF/FEESO held its first province-wide action in over 20 years. It was an absolutely remarkable day of solidarity throughout the province. Members of the Provincial Executive and OSSTF/FEESO staff visited picket lines across Ontario and were met with high... Read More

OSSTF TTBU Strike Bulletin, December 4: Wow! What a day!

A historic moment In spite of the last minute picket plan changes, and Strikhub glitches (more info on that to follow), OSSTF Toronto Members in the thousands took their place in OSSTF history-making today.  At no time before has OSSTF taken a province-wide legal strike action, and it happened because you were there! There is […] Read More

December 1, 2019 • ISSUE 33 Update on Support Staff Central Table Bargaining

December 1, 2019 • ISSUE 33 Update on Support Staff Central Table Bargaining OSSTF/FEESO met today with representatives from the government and the Council of Trustees’ Associations (CTA) at the Support Staff central bargaining table. In the morning, OSSTF/FEESO and the management team met for approximately seven minutes. The purpose of the... Read More

OSSTF Toronto Central Bargaining Strike: December 4 Picket Locations & Instructions

OSSTF Toronto Central Bargaining Strike: December 4 Picket Locations & Instructions Get your OSSTF winter-wear and picket gear ready.  If no deal is reached by midnight Tuesday, on Wednesday, December 4 OSSTF Toronto teachers, OT’s and PSSP Members will come together in what could be the biggest single legal picket line ever in Ontario... Read More

OSSTF TTBU Executive elections notification

TTBU Executive elections notification Bylaw 4.2.1 of the TTBU Constitution requires that the Membership shall be informed of the date of TTBU Executive Elections by November 30 of the Year in which the election falls. Accordingly, the Election Commission Committee has set the voting days for TTBU Executive Elections for May 19, 20 and 21... Read More

OSSTF TTBU Central Strike Bulletin, Day 4 – Info picket pics; Update: planning for the walk out; Registering for Strikehub; Strike FAQ;

OSSTF TTBU Central Strike Bulletin, Day 4 – Planning for the walk out; Registering for Strikehub; Strike FAQ;  Happy Friday!  Thanks for wearing your Red4Ed today, and for getting out there to talk to more people about the harm Doug Ford’s cuts to education have already caused to our students’ learning.  The momentum is only […] Read More