Provincial OSSTF COVID19 update

You may have received this same memo directly from Provincial OSSTF.  Unfortunately, we don’t know how many TTBU members are on that distribution list.  To ensure everyone is as up to date as possible, we will continue to send Provincial OSSTF updates to the TTBU email list with apologies to those of you who receive […] Read More

COVID 19 Update, March 19, 2020 – Working during school closure period

Dear Members, Today, at the request of OSSTF Toronto, the TDSB convened virtual discussion tables (i.e. conference calls) so that together we could identify initial issues and share concerns about what working under school closure conditions might entail both in the short term, and potentially over a longer period of time. As you might... Read More

Today’s communication from the employer

Dear Members, The TDSB sent a communication to the entire system today.  As a result, many contract employees are now unsure as to whether they will be paid full salary for the two week closure period. Over the past number of days, due to pressure from myself, the OSSTF Toronto OTBU and PSSP Presidents, along […] Read More

OSSTF Toronto COVID19 response

Given the present situation in regard to COVID19 and the closure of schools, all TDSB Board offices and buildings and provincial OSSTF the TTBU Executive has assigned our staff to work from home during the closure period, after March Break until April 3, 2020 inclusive.   This does not mean our work stops. Members of the […] Read More

Post-March Break school closure update

This message is from Provincial OSSTF General Secretary Pierre Cote. It includes all the information we have at this time.  If you don’t see the answer to your question here, we don’t know it yet. As we receive information updates from OSSTF and/or the TDSB, it will be shared.   Good evening Pursuant to Minister Lecce’s... Read More

TTBU Central Strike Bulletin – Monday, March 9, 2020 – Limited service withdrawal strike rules clarifications & refinements

Limited service withdrawal strike rules clarifications and refinements Today, Monday, March 9, marked the start of an increase to our limited service withdrawal sanctions.  Below in black you will find the original strike rule as sent last week.  In red you will find clarifications and refinements to those rules*.  You will also find this... Read More