TTBU Informing & Engaging Members – Detailed ratification vote instructions; Central Tentative Agreement questions; Retirement workshops;

AGM/Answering questions about the tentative agreement  During last night’s ratification information meeting there were many questions left unanswered because they required knowledge of the local TTBU Collective Agreement and staffing procedures.  The TTBU Executive was as frustrated by this as were, we expect, the members whose... Read More

Central table agreement ratification information meeting participation information

The following letter is from the Provincial Executive. (Original attached)  NOTE: To participate in the central table tentative agreement ratification information meeting, you must call or log in following the directions below. May 6, 2020 Dear Member, As a follow up to our previous letter sent on April 30, 2020, we are encouraging you to... Read More

TTBU Informing & Engaging Members April 30, 2020 – Staffing update; AGM; Executive elections; Central agreement ratification

Central tentative agreement information meeting Provincial OSSTF has informed us that they will be holding a Members-only information meeting about the central table tentative agreement for Members of the TTBU and Toronto OTBU on Thursday, May 7, from 3:30 – 6:00 pm when the central tentative agreement will be explained in detail, with... Read More

TTBU Informing & Engaging Members, April 23, 2020: Central Table ratification process; TTBU AGM; Retirement workshop webinars, and more…

Quadmestered program update OSSTF TTBU representatives and TDSB senior managers  met again this week to discuss the TDSB’s plans to manage emergency-remote-learning for students in quadmestered programs in Adult Day School, EdVance and Year Round Alternative Centres.  We raised a number of issues  relating to registration, class sizes... Read More