December 9 Branch Presidents’ Memo: Parents’ Group request

This afternoon the following information was communicated to OSSTF locals by provincial OSSTF.  We encourage you to support this parent initiative if it is appropriate for your picket site to do so. Participation of Parent Groups at OSSTF/FEESO strike pickets The Ontario Parents Action Network, in collaboration with the Ontario Families for... Read More

Branch Presidents’ Memo: Thank you; Strikehub Sub forms

Dear Branch Presidents, The TTBU Executive extends our deepest thanks to you and your Strike Action Committee Members.  The successes we had on December 4th are due to your hard work, solidarity, and commitment, and we know it and appreciate it! This fight isn’t over by a long shot.  The TTBU Executive suspects we will […] Read More

2019-20 TTBU Branch Presidents’ Memo #2 – Action Teams; BP Workshop registration; Solidarity Walk-in; Workload survey date

Branch Action Teams:  Mobilizing Our Branches for Strength in Bargaining As was reported on at Council, we are asking you to put into place a Branch Action Team.  This team will be the hub for initiating, organizing and implementing actions in our fight against cuts, and to support bargaining. Community outreach actions; running a […] Read More

2019-20 Branch Presidents’ Memo #1 – Branch Presidents’ Workshop; Coverage/Supervision & IEP implementation; Opting out of paper; and more…

If you are no longer a Branch President, kindly forward this to the person who is now fulfilling this role.  We will update our distribution list as the updated Branch Executive information comes in to our office.  Thanks! Dear Branch Presidents, A special welcome back to all our Branch Presidents!  We hope you had a […] Read More