Branch Presidents’ Memo – April 19, 2022

Dear Branch President, June 2 Provincial Election – Assistaance Requested  Please be advised that during the week of Apr 19, 2022 a delivery of OSSTF/ FEESO postcards related to the June 2nd Provincial election will be delivered to each school to the attention of the Branch President. Branch Presidents who work in schools are asked […] Read More

Branch Presidents’ Memo – April 8, 2022

Dear Branch President, Please read all of the following updates and reminders carefully, and please share this communication directly with the OSSTF members of your School Staffing Committee as you commence building your worksite’s proposed staffing model. Regular Staffing Considerations: 1. As noted in our communication to all members... Read More

Branch Presidents’ Memo – April 1st, 2022

Dear Branch President, Thanks for your continuing support of your members in these difficult times, and for your leadership on your School Staffing Committee, particularly. Please read the following updates and reminders carefully. Changes to Staffing Dates As we informed all members on March 2, the Ministry’s recent announcement of the... Read More

Branch Presidents’ Memo – January 21, 2022

Dear Branch President, Thanks for your ongoing support of our members in difficult times, and for your work to defend and uphold their hard-won entitlements. Please read carefully the following three updates related to staffing and workload: 1) OSSTF Staffing and Workload Survey In the 2014-15 school year the Toronto Teachers’ Bargaining Unit... Read More

Branch Presidents’ Memo, March 26, 2021 – Academic Pathways Memo

At yesterday’s allocation rollout meeting, Principals received an updated copy of the memo, Academic Pathways – Grades 9 and 10 – Class Size Guidelines and Teacher Supports for 2021-2022. The memo remains largely unchanged from previous years with the exception of the following addition that OSSTF requested be added: The Board and OSSTF... Read More