Executive Action – Local Bargaining Update

President’s Report March 22, 2016 Negotiations Report TDSB ‘brain trust’ choose to talk with media instead of OSSTF As we enter the sixth month of our job action, we await a sign from 5050 Yonge Street that the Board negotiators are interested in re-engaging with us in negotiations. Vladimir and Estragon only spent a couple […] Read More

Executive Action – Negotiations Update and Strike Deadline

The memo copied below is being cabbed to schools in hard copy: Executive Action – Negotiations Update and Strike Deadline Why a strike is necessary The Executive of OSSTF Toronto has set a strike date of Wednesday November 4. Since the Provincial part of negotiations was settled in early September, the Board’s negotiators have shown... Read More

Executive Action, October 8, 2015 – OSSTF Toronto Election Plan: Sack Harper!

Executive Action Executive Action is produced by the President and states the policies and actions of the  OSSTF Toronto Teachers’ Bargaining Unit Executive October 8, 2015 “You won’t recognise Canada when I get through with it.”- Stephen Harper 2006 by Mike Platt, Vice President Today, as ever, the Harper Conservatives are bad for unions... Read More

Executive Action, Sep. 2014: Mass Meeting Oct. 2 to Explain Strike Votes

Two tables-One contract-New Strategy Mass Meeting October 2 to explain Strike Votes by Doug Jolliffe Predicting the future can be a tricky business but it can be said with reasonable confidence that this year will be eventful and likely quite challenging. Of course, this can be said in every negotiation year and our contract […] Read More

Executive Action: Special June Election Edition

Vote as though your job depends on it: Because it does! The Secondary Teacher’s Bargaining Unit Executive advises that members who live in NDP held ridings should continue to support the NDP. In all other ridings, members are advised to vote Liberal. Attached, please find a special June election issue of Executive Action. Read More