Collective Bargaining Bulletin Issue # 27

April 21, 2015 • CB Issue 27 From the Provincial Office of OSSTF. A pdf of this document is attached. Negotiations Update Teacher/Occasional Teacher Local Negotiations Update Following a conciliation meeting on April 2 with the Teacher and Occasional Teacher Bargaining Units of OSSTF/FEESO District 19, Peel, and the Peel District School... Read More

Collective Bargaining Bulletin Issue # 26

April 20, 2015 • CB Issue 26 From the Provincial Office of OSSTF. A pdf of this document is attached. Central Table Bargaining Update Teachers/Occasional Teachers Central Table Negotiations Update In CB Issue 25, while we reported that negotiations at the central table remained at an impasse for teachers and occasional teachers and that... Read More

Collective Bargaining Bulletin Issue # 24

April 14, 2015 • CB Issue 24 From the Provincial Office of OSSTF. A pdf of this document is attached. Central Table Bargaining Update OSSTF/FEESO met with the management team of the Ontario Public School Boards’ Association (OPSBA) and the Government of Ontario at the Central Bargaining Table on April 13 and 14. […] Read More

Collective Bargaining Bulletin Issue #23

April 10, 2015 • CB Issue 23 From the Provincial Office of OSSTF. A pdf of the document is attached, below. Negotiations Update Teachers/Occasional Teachers Local Negotiations Update Following a conciliation meeting on April 1 between the Teacher and Occasional Teacher Bargaining Units of OSSTF/FEESO District 3, Rainbow, and the Rainbow... Read More

Collective Bargaining Bulletin Issue # 22

April 8, 2015 • CB Issue 22 A pdf of this document is attached below. Negotiations Update Teachers/Occasional Teachers Local Negotiations Update Following a conciliation meeting on March 27 between the Teacher and Occasional Teacher Bargaining Units of OSSTF/FEESO District 13, Durham, and the Durham District School Board, the provincially... Read More

Collective Bargaining Issue #21, March 27, 2015

A downloadable pdf of this document is attached below. Teachers/Occasional Teachers Local Negotiations Update As was reported in CB Issue 20, the Teacher/Occasional Teacher Bargaining Units in seven Districts were moved into Provincial Responsibility for Negotiations, or “takeover,” at the February 20 Provincial Council meeting... Read More

Collective Bargaining Bulletin #20, February 20, 2015

Central Table Negotiations Update Teacher/Occasional Teachers Central Table Negotiations Update Today, at the Provincial Council meeting of local Bargaining Unit Presidents, a motion was unanimously passed to place the Teacher/Occasional Teacher Bargaining Units listed below into Provincial Responsibility for Negotiations, commonly known as... Read More

Collective Bargaining Bulletin #19

Teachers/Occasional Teachers Negotiations Update Teacher/Occasional Teacher bargaining continues, and at this time there is nothing of significance to report. There are seven more bargaining dates scheduled between now and the Annual Meeting of the Provincial Assembly (AMPA). We will continue to push for additional bargaining dates into... Read More

Collective Bargaining Bulletin #17: January 23, 2015

Teacher/Occasional Teacher Central Table Negotiations Update As outlined in CB Issue 16, Bargaining Unit Presidents and Chief Negotiators met on January 22 and after a full review of the revisions based upon input from the January 14 meeting, the central table brief was approved. A copy of the complete Bargaining Bulletin is attached, below. Read More

Collective Bargaining Bulletin #16

Teacher/Occasional Teacher Central Table Negotiations Update As outlined in CB Issue 15, two special meetings were to be held in January to review and approve the central table brief. The first meeting was held on January 14 for Bargaining Unit Presidents, Chief Negotiators and members of the provincial Collective Bargaining Committee to... Read More