Our February 18 PD Day Registration is Now Open!

We are looking forward to a day filled with engaging, interactive workshops on a wide variety of topics, hosted and facilitated by our own colleagues.

There will also be the opportunity for several lucky people to win gift cards sponsored by our very own Educator’s Financial Group! More information will be provided in your workshops.

For a more detailed description of all the workshops, please CLICK HERE.

PLEASE NOTE: Signing up for these workshops is optional as it is a self-directed Professional Development Day.

Banner in dark blue with the OSSTF Toronto TBU logo. Underneath is the title Professional Development Workshops and date February 18, 2022. To the right is a decorative image of icons attending a workshop

To register, please complete THIS FORM by February 11, 2022 at 4:30 PM.

UPDATE (February 10) : The registration period for some workshops has been extended to February 16 at 4:30 PM. Please check here  for the workshops for which this extended date applies.