Hello, this newsletter is for Branch Presidents – New & Returning
Seeing as we don’t yet have finalised Branch Executive information for the 2021- 2022 year and without having to wait on the submission of Branch Executive forms, being mindful that some branch elections may have just concluded, this email is going to all Members.
Welcome to the 2021- 2022 school year. I hope you and yours are healthy and well, especially in these difficult COVID times.
Your OSSTF D12 TTBU Executive will be holding Virtual Branch President workshops for new and returning Branch Presidents this autumn.
We will be holding a workshop for new Branch Presidents on Wednesday 6 October 2021 and for all Branch Presidents on Wednesday 3 November 2021.
Participants for each session will have Federation time-release for the day.
When your attendance is confirmed, please book an Occasional Teacher forthwith.
If you are a new or returning Branch President and wish to attend (new Branch Presidents are encouraged to attend both workshops), please email Michelle LeBlanc (mleblanc@osstftoronto.ca) before noon Friday, 17 September 2021, to indicate your wish to attend. Only one person per school may be time-released. When you email Michelle LeBlanc, please put “Branch President Workshop” in the subject line.
When your Federation time release is processed, you will be notified.
Vice President Chris Chandler / Vice President Mike Platt