OSSTF Toronto TBU #saynotohybrid #hybridhurtskids campaign resources

TTBU #saynotohybrid campaign

The Toronto District School Board knows that forcing students to learn in an environment where the teacher’s attention is divided between on-screen and in-person instruction is not good pedagogy, however, whether there is hybrid teaching/learning next year remains undecided, and squarely in the hands of the Board.  Those students who choose remote next year deserve a dedicated online teacher.

We urge Members to help amplify this message.  Click and send the attached letter verbatim, or modify it to include your own experience.

Then use one, a few, or all of the attached social media resources to populate your feeds. Copy and paste the following link into your post to direct your followers to our letter writing campaign https://osstftoronto.ca/news/2021/05/no-hybrid/ and use hashtags #saynotohybrid and/or #hybridhurtskids #tdsb

OSSTF/FEESO campaign against hybrid

To compliment local campaigns against hybrid, Provincial OSSTF has launched a campaign focused on MPPs

To send your MPP an email, click this link