An open letter to the TTBU Membership from President Leslie Wolfe – Today take action for Adult Day Schools

An open letter to the TTBU Membership from President Leslie Wolfe – Today take action for Adult Day Schools

Adult Day School Members of this Bargaining Unit need the strength and solidarity that comes from the collective action of our entire Membership, ADS Teachers and Contract Teachers, together. 

The TDSB’s process for enrolling Adult Day School students for Quad 1 was, quite bluntly, a mess.  This placed the learning opportunities for adult students, almost all of whom already face the challenges of systemic racism and socio-economic inequities, at risk.  It also denied access to the same opportunity for workplace accommodations that contract Teachers were given.

Thanks to the activism of Adult Day School Members supported by you and the TTBU, Adult Day students ultimately – only after the start of Quad 1 – were finally given access to Virtual School learning and many Adult Day School Members who required accommodations had access to remote teaching.

Adult Day School TTBU Members face precarity in their employment as they do not have access to the same kind of job security as Teachers of adolescent students. Their access to teaching jobs is dependent on enrollment,each Quad.

The TDSB has not yet made clear how they will improve their process for registering Adult Day School students for Quad 2, and ensure equity of access to learning. They have not made clear how, or even if, they will ensure every Adult Day School student who needs it, has access to a Virtual School option. 

I am calling on each of you to take action TODAY.

It’s an easy ask: Take to Twitter and, using the hashtag #Equity4ADS and #TDSB direct a message to the Chair of the TDSB, @AlexBrownWard12.  

Sample message for you to use:

.@TDSB Adult Day students do not have assurance of access to online learning for Quad 2. They are precarious workers & parents living in high #COVID19 areas. @AlexBrownWard12 can we count on you to ensure the Board’s commitment to equity extends to these learners? #Equity4ADS 

Or you can find this Tweet already posted by the @osstftoronto account here and retweet it.

Solidarity is more than a song.  It is what we need to practice if we are to stay strong in the face of adversity. Don’t wait.  Do it now.  Take action to support our Adult Day School colleagues.