2020 Toronto Teachers’ Executive Elections

2020 Toronto Teachers’ Executive Elections

Nominations and Rules

Nominations are now open for all positions on the Toronto Teachers’ Bargaining Unit Executive of OSSTF Toronto. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, voting will take place online or by phone from Tuesday May 19 at 12:01am to Thursday May 21 at 4:30pm, inclusive. Information on Executive positions, terms of office and responsibilities are outlined in the TTBU and District Constitutions, and Executive Manual.

The nomination form and the election rules as agreed to by this year’s Election Commission, are available below. More information about voting procedures will be sent to members directly in the near future.

Nominations are due no later than 4:30pm April 23, 2020. Nominated candidates and acclamations, if applicable, will be announced on April 24, 2020.

Questions to Candidates

Questions to candidates will follow the candidates’ speeches made during an election telephone town hall on May 14, 2020. Members are free to put questions to candidates by other electronic means, subject to the election rules governing use of social media.


Given physical distancing requirements, candidate speeches will be performed in an election telephone town hall on Thursday May 14, 2020. 


Any questions on election procedures may be directed to the Chief  Electoral Officer, Ron Gouweloos, at ttbuexecelections@osstftoronto.ca.
