OSSTF TTBU PD Committee‐Sponsored Workshops – Fri. February 14, 2020

Finally a PD workshop you can sign up for! The TTBU Professional Development Committee is pleased to offer a number of workshops for self-directed PD. Please note that the schedule for the day will be from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at all locations. Registration will take place through Key-To-Learn, starting on Thurs. January 23, 2020 at noon. All workshops will contain OSSTF in the title to avoid any confusion of whether you would be permitted to register for that workshop or not, to avoid strike-breaking.

Click here to access the list of workshops available for that day. Registration will end on February 6th at 4 p.m. Members may sign up for either a morning or afternoon workshop or one of each. Contact Rony Masri at rmasri@osstftoronto.ca if you have any questions.
