Global Climate Strike: How to Support Participating Students

The Global Climate Strike takes place from September 20th to the 27th, where many students will partake in collective action, including walkouts, to draw attention to climate change. Although our members are not legally permitted to participate in the Global Climate Strike, the OSSTF Toronto Eco Committee offers the following ways we can be of support:

  • Refrain from scheduling tests or major assessments for Sept 27th, the day of the walkout.
  • Work with students to organize events about the climate crisis during the week of action, for example, poster-making, or an information table.
  • Show a curriculum related film or hold an assembly focusing on the climate crisis earlier in the week.
  • Plan to focus on climate change in your respective classes during the week leading up to the Sept 27th walk out.
  • Use the morning announcements to share stats or other information related to climate change.
  • Support related student initiatives with materials and/or suggestions, where appropriate.
  • Make and/or wear a green circle sticker / button.
  • Post a selfie on social media of yourself and other staff members in solidarity with the walk out, holding posters and wearing green stickers / buttons. Include the hashtags #fridaysforfuture #climatejustice #greencircle #cerclevert

