NOTE: New and updated rules are in bold print
Teacher Activities NOT Affected by the Job Action
Members will continue to
- provide instruction to students, including extra help
- professionally manage their time in order to liaise with colleagues in support of student success
- monitor and respond to student behavior and safety issues in communal school areas, and in their classroom
- supervise their own students during school assemblies
- attend IEP, IPRC and School Support Team Meetings during their regularly scheduled school day, and only in lieu of regularly scheduled teaching time
- professionally manage their time to engage in lesson planning and to mark student assignments
- use current methods to provide ongoing feedback to students
- maintain records of students’ marks in accordance with their regular practice
- professionally manage their time to voluntarily provide progress feedback to parents and students in accordance with their regular practices
- continue to engage in self-directed professional development
- complete as per normal practice course outlines and evaluation breakdowns but will not submit these to administration or POR holders
Members may continue to
- plan and prepare for the upcoming school year in accordance with their normal practices
- volunteer to register students during the summer months for the upcoming school year
- offer/participate in extracurricular activities
- plan and participate in school assemblies such as for Remembrance Day
- conduct field trips
- be Associate Teachers and provide training to scheduled student teachers provided the student teacher agrees to honour all terms and conditions of this job action
- attend graduation ceremonies and other special school events
- participate in activities related to grade 8 students or new student enrolment
- participate, as appropriate in the School Staffing Committee
- apply for teaching or Position of Responsibility (POR) postings
- complete board-offered/mandated health and safety PD on a voluntary basis
Members will not:
- replace absent Principals and Vice Principals
- perform or participate in any administrative functions related to semester/quadmester turn around including the collection of textbooks
- hold/Attend department meetings
- attend staff meetings
- participate in Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) that are administrative; Members will participate in any PLCs during the regular school day that provide direct support to students (e.g. Extra-help, tutorials, at-risk student meetings)
- attend/participate in any Board-mandated/offered professional development
- attend any administrative meeting held by the Board including TDSB-wide and regional school Curriculum Leader/Assistant Curriculum Leader meetings
- assist with or participate in the implementation of either Departmental or School Improvement Plans, or recommendations from a District Review
- assist with or participate in any POR model revision committees
- moderate or maintain Academic Workspace, school web pages, school Facebook pages or school Twitter feeds
- distribute any Board materials that are not directly related to classroom instruction of students, except for guidance appointment slips, or materials related to students applying to a post-secondary program
- distribute student timetables or student agendas/planner
- collect school activity fees, department supply fees, textbook fees, overdue library materials fees, or any other school-related monies (members may continue to collect fees for class field trips, participation in athletic events, and other voluntary activities
- distribute/collect/complete/engage in electronic input of information or otherwise assist with locker assignment
- distribute any paperwork or forms to students including but not limited to the Board’s media release permission form, parent information forms, etc. (EXCEPTION: phys. ed permission/intramural form; excursion, and medical forms will be distributed if provided as individual forms and not as a part of a package of forms that also includes forms we are not distributing)
- submit course outlines and /course evaluation breakdowns to Administration or POR holder
- collect any forms from students that they didn’t also distribute to students in accordance with these strike rule
- submit summative assessments and culminating activities to POR holders or administrator
- submit exams for review to POR holders
Attendance and Late Arrival Reporting
Members will not:
- complete the scantron sheets to report attendance and lates
- deliver attendance/late records
- ask students to take attendance/late records to the office
Members will:
- append only to the Scantron sheet a handwritten list of absent/late students (members are encouraged to use the OSSTF post-it notes provided by the union; memberes may also print a class list and indicate absents and lates on that list – it must then be appended – by paperclip or staple – to the scantron sheet for collection)
- continue to write on to the Scantron sheet the names of new students added to their classes
Teacher Performance Appraisal
- members will not participate in any part of the Teacher Performance Appraisal process
POR Holders (CL’s/ACL’s/PTL’s in adult day schools)
- There are parts of your job description that are affected by these strike rules which are in effect for all teachers and must be adhered to. In addition all POR Holders will not:
- communicate any messages/issues/concerns from school Admin to OSSTF members
- attend POR meetings/school leadership team meetings with Admin
- review exams, culminating activities or summative assessments
Coverages and Supervisions
Members will not:
- provide coverage for absent teachers
- teach a group of students that has been combined with their own due to the absence of a colleague, or in the case of Teacher Librarians, supervise students sent to the library due to the absence of a colleague
- engage in assigned supervision outside of OSSTF-recognized emergencies
Student Enrolment or Registration:
- Nothing in these strike rules will impact on the normal and regular activities in your school related to the registration and enrolment of students.
- members will not photocopy exams
- members will submit exams to their principal three (3) working days prior to the date on which the exam is to be written for photocopying
- members will invigilate exams in accordance with regular school practice
- in the case of the library, members will keep it open only in accordance with their regular schedule during a normal school day
- Members will NOT engage in any hallway or other assigned supervision during exams
- Members will not staff an exam headquarters
Report Cards
Members will
- for all grade 12 classes (regardless of student’s grade) input/upload marks
- for all grades 7-11 classes, provide to administration a class list printout or other list comprised only of the student’s name and mark
- for all students regardless of grade, provide the actual numerical mark – as determined by you in accordance with your own professional judgement and practices – that the students have earned, regardless of board policy to the contrary, (i.e. – if a student earned 10% or 49%, then that’s the mark that is reported; if they earned 0%, then report that mark, etc.)
- for grade 12 classes only, either populate the Learning Skills section with an “S” or will leave it blank, depending on the reporting system used as per the last reporting rounds, and only if the reporting system requires data in the comment filed, use the following comment: “No comment is available at this time. The Learning Skills designation is a place holder only”, as per previous report card strike rules.
Members will not
- complete school and/or board-generated interim or progress reports
- input/upload any marks or learning skills for students in grades 7, 8, 9, 10 or 11 classes or non-credit programs
- provide any comments for students in any class, regardless of grade
- provide a marks summary/breakdown to management
- distribute report cards to students
Reporting to Parents
- members will attend parent interviews if they are scheduled during the normal school day and provided that in so doing there is no impact upon the workload of other OSSTF Teacher Members
Curriculum Information Night and Grade 9 Parents Information Night
- Members may participate in Curriculum and Grade 9 Parents Nights provided they do so on a voluntary basis.
Centrally Assigned Teachers, District Wide Coordinators, and Instructional Leaders
Centrally Assigned Teachers, District Wide Coordinators and Instructional Leaders will complete their job description as required but will not:
- promote any activities for or to OSSTF Toronto teacher members or request OSSTF Toronto teacher members to attend functions
- hold/attend meetings of their department
- hold/attend meetings with their management supervisors
- MAY attend meetings with colleagues that occur on a voluntary, as needed basis
Adult Day School Teachers
- adult Day School teachers will follow all of the preceding rules as they apply to their teaching situation
- adult Day School teachers are permitted to cover for absent colleagues as long as they are being paid for that time
- adult Day School Teachers should attend staff meetings only if they occur in lieu of teaching time and only if the Board confirms in writing that the teachers will be paid for attendance at these meetings held in lieu of teaching time
EQAO OSSLT and Math Test
Members will not
- engage in any administrative activities related to the organization of the OSSLT or EQAO math tests, either before test day, or after
- supervise students writing the OSSLT or EQAO math tests beyond the school’s regular school day
Members will
- continue to engage in their regular professional practice to prepare students for both the EQAO tests
- continue to prepare computers for use by Special Education and ESL students for both the EQAO tests as appropriate
- upon request, provide to the school principal or vice principal a list of their own students who require an accommodation in order to write either of the EQAO tests
- upon request, provide to the school principal or vice principal a list of their ESL students whom the teacher recommends write the OSSLT
- take attendance
On the day of either test members will:
- distribute the test to the students in their assigned exam room/class room
- collect the completed tests from the students using the following instructions
OSSLT – End of Test
- members will not deliver completed OSSLT tests or attendance to any appointed location. Attendance and completed OSSLT tests will be piled at the front of the classroom for pick up at the end of the test
- members will wait no longer than five minutes after students have left the test room. If the attendance and tests have not been picked up, members will leave the tests in the test area for pick up, locked in the test room if members are provided/have a key with which to do so
- members will not place the tests they collect on test day in any order
- members will not staff a test-day headquarters or other central organizational hub
Math EQAO – End of Test
- members who use a portion of the EQAO math test as a part of the student’s final mark may continue their normal practice in relation to collection and marking of the EQAO math test.
- members who do not use any part of math EQAO as a part of the student’s final mark will follow the above noted OSSLT – End of Test rules.
EQAO Practice Tests
- members may mark EQAO practice tests under the following conditions:
- marking occurs in lieu of teaching and does not contribute to the increased workload of any colleague
- members who are doing the marking have volunteered to do so