September 7, 2021 – COVID 19 Advisory for All Members

Dear Member,

We are mindful that we are intruding upon your long weekend. However, as you are likely aware today is the deadline for disclosing your vaccination status to the TDSB. This deadline was set out  by the Ministry of Education, who, as with most things related to school reopening, have provided few details and have  given little regard for how these policies will actually be implemented in School Boards.

Over the weekend, we have received several emails and phone calls related to the requirement to disclose as well as the Board’s impending mandatory vaccination policy. Many of the questions we are receiving we simply cannot answer yet as there are very few details available. At a meeting on Friday with Board staff and union leaders, the question was asked about the consequences for staff who do not complete the disclosure by the deadline. The Board’s response was that they did not know yet.

Please know that while OSSTF is in support of a mandatory vaccination policy, we are also well aware of our obligations under the Ontario Labour Relations Act to protect all of our members. We will continue to monitor the implementation of this policy to ensure protections for our Members are in place.

Provincial OSSTF has released 4 useful and helpful FAQ fact sheets that we encourage all Members to read over the next few days.

As more details specific to policy rollout in the TDSB become available, we will share them.

Covid and Vaccine Science FAQ

Covid Vaccination Disclosure Policies FAQ

Covid Vaccination Exemptions FAQ

Covid Vaccination Policy FAQ

