2015-16 Staffing Update Memo #4


By the Numbers

The final Staffing Placement Meeting of this school year occurred on Tuesday, June 23.  As of the writing of this memo 288 secondary teachers remain fully or partially unplaced for a total FTE of 270.5.  Last year at this time we had 390 unplaced (FTE of 363), so we continue to be in better shape overall. The Executive understands however that doesn’t make the circumstances any easier for those who remain unplaced.  Given our experience over the past few years which has seen no actual job loss despite position reductions, we continue to remain hopeful that everyone will once again be reverted to this year’s FTE status either before the end of summer or, if necessary, through the Recall List process.

The Board and OSSTF will continue to hold Placement Meetings during the summer months.


Teachers who were impacted by the June 23 placement meeting will receive a letter from the board on Friday, June 26.  That letter will also include information about the Board’s Surplus Teachers Information Meeting scheduled for July 6 and the board’s Surplus Teacher’s Information Form.  It is imperative that these forms be completed and returned to the board no later than July 13.

Teachers whose initial placement was considered in need of review based either on either a principal request, or the teacher’s own request for review, may receive notification that as a result of that review, their placement has been changed.

Others will receive notification of a Pull Back to their home school, or of a placement or partial placement.

Contact the Union

As always, should you have questions or concerns, please contact the OSSTF Toronto office and speak to your Executive Officer.

Summer Pay Reminder:

Teachers who began work after the first day of this school year because they were on the Recall List, or had other unpaid days should pay particular attention to the following:

In the 2015 / 2016 school year there are 194 school days that you are paid for, in order to receive full, equal bi-weekly payments throughout the school year, you must be entitled to payment for all 194 days. If you are not entitled to payment for all 194 days of the school year, you will not receive 26 full, equal bi-weekly payments.

 This will occur in the following situations:

  • when an employee has an appointment start date other than the first day of school in September
  • when an employee returns from any unpaid leave of absence during the school year
  • when an employee has any unpaid absences during the school year


  • when an employee has a salary increase at any time during the school year

OSSTF Toronto Teacher summer pay is made up of earned money that has been deducted from that earnings and banked by the board for us in order that we receive pay deposits in the summer months.

If you require a detailed breakdown of the impact of this on your pay, please contact your payroll officer at the Board:


Payroll Officer Last Name of Teacher beginning with… Phone Contact
Olinda D’Costa A, D, K 416-395-9800
Cassandra Singh B, Z, R 416-395-9646
Kathy Nanos C, J, X, Y 416-395-9643
Imtithal Moubarak E 416-395-9645
Dianne Kruger F, G 416-395-9653
Nadine Ali H, I, Q, T, U V 416-395-8532
Mary Maclean M 416-395-9655
Grace Chan N, O, P 416-395-9652
Kim Lu S 416-395-9649
Lui, Wendy W 416-395-8233

This is the final Staffing Update Memo of this school year.  While we know for some of you this is a very anxious time, we do hope you take some time to enjoy yourself this summer.