Support Toyota Workers

In mid-April, Toyota announced they will be moving production of their number one selling vehicle, the Corolla, to Mexico. This announcement has created much uncertainty amongst the workers at Toyota’s plants, particularly the in North Plant, Cambridge, which currently produces the Corolla.

To show labour’s support for the workers at Toyota and their communities in these uncertain times, Unifor is asking for us to join them on Saturday, May 30, 2015 for a demonstration and Community Gathering in Cambridge. Unifor will be holding a demonstration on the front lawn of the North Plant at 9:45, they are asking participants to arrive by 9:15 at the school yard (450 Maple Grove). Afterwards we will be returning to the school yard where Unifor will host Toyota workers, their families and the community for a family friendly afternoon with food and children’s activities.

Please read the attached flyer for more details.
