Teachers are paid to work 194 days per school year. Every seven years or so, the late placement of Labour Day combined with the removal of Family Day as a working day results in fewer than 194 teaching days between the day after Labour Day and June 30. In the past, the Ministry of Education has directed school boards that the academic calendar must include teaching days prior to Labour Day. This direction resulted in teachers having to return to work on the Thursday, or Wednesday and Thursday prior to Labour Day.
The Ministry has not yet issued any directive to the Boards in relation to next year’s school calendar, and so we do not know yet how many days, if any, we will be required to work prior to Labour Day, 2015.
Members will be informed as soon as the Board has finalized its 2015-16 calendar. In the meantime, we advise members who are now making summer vacation plans to take into consideration the possibility of an earlier than usual start to the school year that may include a requirement of being at work for one or more days prior to Labour Day.