Branch Presidents’ Workshop 2014: Developing Solidarity

This is a Special Edition of D12 Teachers’ Buzz

On the weekend of October 24, 25 and 26th, close to 100 branch leaders gathered for union professional development. Below are some comments from participants:

“Overall a well-planned, executed, and enjoyable weekend. At the start of the weekend Leslie indicated that the Executive wanted the BP’s and BVP’s to forget about school for the weekend and that is EXACTLY what happened in my case. I learned a lot, had a ton of fun, and met a number of new OSSTF members that I would not have met otherwise. Thanks again for all of your hard work!”

“Honestly, I think you all absolutely nailed it. It was the perfect blend of intended learning, unintended/incidental learning, socializing, and so on. Easy schedule, with good conversational or personal time built-in. I was beyond impressed, and really wouldn’t change anything — except the two small suggestions I made around scenario debrief (more) and structuring the Meet your EO time. Brilliant weekend. I was very appreciative.”

“This was my first time at his conference but I have attended many like it in my former life of Real Estate. This was run extremely well and I can’t express how much I enjoyed it!”

To view the slideshow, click on any picture. Photography by M. Yannef.
