Retirement Planning Workshops for 2014-2015

A Retirement Planning Workshop for Teachers’ Pension Plan members is being offered for the 2014-2015 year. The workshop will be offered at 4 different times. They will be presented by the OSSTF Pension Officers.

Light refreshments will be served.

The workshops are as follows:


 DATE:                   October 28, 2014 (Tuesday)

 TIME:                   4:30 – 6:30 p.m

PLACE:                 60 Mobile Drive (Erie Room)

                                      OSSTF Provincial Office

                                (Don Valley Parkway and Eglinton Avenue)



DATE:              November 27, 2014 (Thursday)

TIME:              4:30 – 6:30 p.m

PLACE:            OSSTF District 12 Office

1482 Bathurst Street – 4th Floor (@St. Clair Ave. West)



DATE:              February 11, 2015 (Wednesday)

TIME:              4:30 – 6:30 p.m

PLACE:            60 Mobile Drive (Erie Room)

                                      OSSTF Provincial Office

                                (Don Valley Parkway and Eglinton Avenue)



DATE:              April 30, 2015 (Thursday)

TIME:              4:30 – 6:30 p.m

PLACE:            OSSTF District 12 Office

1482 Bathurst Street – 4th Floor (@St. Clair Ave. West)


To sign-up, please go to the date of the workshop on the website calendar, and click the RSVP button. NB: You must be a registered user of the website in order to sign-up.