Constitution and Steering

The TTBU Constitution and Steering Committee is made up of TTBU members who have an interest in how Rules of Order are applied in order to effectively run meetings, and in our Bylaws as the rules by which we function as a Bargaining Unit.

Like all Committees, this Committee meets monthly.

Members of Constitution and Steering have the opportunity to act as Steering (advisers) for the TTBU Council Meeting Chair, and learn to chair meetings, eventually Chairing TTBU Council and the TTBU Annual General Meeting.

Preparation for the Annual General Meeting is an additional function of this Committee as members review the TTBU Constitution yearly to ensure it is compliant with the OSSTF Constitution (link to Provincial Constitution & Bylaws), and reflects the way we function as a Bargaining Unit. To access the TTBU Constitution, please go to this (link to TTBU Constitution).

Membership on this Committee is open from the call for members which occurs in May/June through until the first Committee meeting of the school year (September).  After that new members may be added to the Committee upon approval of the TTBU Executive. If you are interested in joining the Committee during the Federation year, please contact the Constitution and Steering Committee Executive Liaison, Rony Masri at

Executive Liasons: Mark Kissel and Rony Masri

Committee Events

  • This committee does not have any upcoming events.