
Workshops for Members, Schools and Worksites

The following is a list of workshops or presentations provided by the union. Many are available to schools and worksites upon request:

  • Boundaries: A protective workshop available for schools and worksites, on the appropriate limits of a professional relationship with students and colleagues
  • Branch Presidents’ (and New Branch Presidents’) Training: Annual training workshops for Branch Presidents held in the fall of each year. Requires registration. Check the events calendar for the next workshop.
  • New Teachers’ Workshops: Training workshops available to teachers in their first 5 years of service, held on ad hoc basis. Check the events calendar for the next workshop or contact your Executive Officer.
  • Staffing Committee Training: Annual training Workshop on the Secondary Staffing Manual and the staffing process for members of the In-School Staffing Committee, held prior to the start of the start of the Staffing Process. Requires registration. Please see the events calendar for the next workshop.
  • Know Your Collective Agreement: Available to schools and worksite as well as groups of members upon request.
  • Grievances 101: Available to schools and worksite as well as groups of members upon request.
  • Pregnancy Parental Adoption and Surrogacy Leave Workshop: Presented semi-annually and open to all members. See the events calendar for the date of the next presentation.
  • Retirement Workshop: Presented 4 times a year. This workshop is open to all members but requires registration. Please see the events calendar for the date of the next presentation.

To arrange for workshop or presentation for your school or worksite, please contact your Executive Officer directly.